So Apple announced the iPhone 5 last night. It will be taller, thinner, lighter, twice as fast and is ready for 4g. Release date for Ireland is the 28th September, and it will come in the usual 16gb, 32gb and 64gb. No details yet on when 4g/LTE will be available in Ireland to take advantage of the higher spec iPhone 5.
- Made Of: Glass and Aluminium
- Colours: Black and White
- Size: 7.6mm Thin, 123.8mm Height , 58.5mm Width.
- Weight: 112 grams
- Display – Retina Display, 4 Inch, 1136×640, 326 pi,
- Chip: A6
- Connector: Lighting connector
- OS: iOS 6
- Camera: New panorama feature but pretty much the same as the 4s
- Wifi: 802.11 a/b/g/n
- Battery: Talktime 8 hours, Standby 225 hours, WiFi Browsing 10 Hours
Release Date for ipHone 5 in Ireland 28th September
iOS 6 will be released 19th September
For more information visit Apple Ireland