Facebook have finally improved the management of Facebook Business Pages. It has been long overdue but you can now specify what Admins are able to do. The old way of having 4-5 admins who have full control of your site was always a difficult one for business owners. Any admin could set a page for deletion and this always lead to difficulty when a member of staff left. Every business owner knows the benefit of Facebook but they might not necessarily have the time to admin  their own pages and usually have someone do this for them. Now you can add as many admins as you want secure in the knowledge that only you can remove your Facebook page and have full control over what your other admins can do.

Page admins can now have 5 different roles, each with different abilities. Only managers can change what kind of admin someone is. All admins are managers by default.

The table below outlines the 5 admin roles (across) and what they’re able to do (down):

Manager Content Creator Moderator Advertiser Insights Analyst
Manage Admin Roles X
Edit the Page and Add Apps X X
Create Posts as the Page X X
Respond to and Delete Comments X X X
Send Messages as the Page X X X
Create Ads X X X X
View Insights X X X X X