If you plan on using the web a lot if would be a good idea to get yourself a Google Account. With this account you can then access the many features provided by Google which are free. Who doesn’t like free stuff. Here is a list of some of the useful programs google provides. I will go into more detail on each in later posts.

  1. Google Calendar – Very handy for adding a calender to your website.
  2. Google Analytics – Essential if you have a website to track it’s usage.
  3. Gmail – A great online mail program where you add your own email accounts.
  4. AdSense – Used to add Google Adverts to your website so you can make money.
  5. Adwords – Here you can run adverts for your website that will show in the Google search page
  6. Alerts – You can add a keyword here and whenever it is added to a website you will be notified. Useful for reputation management or just being nosy.
  7. Google Docs – Store your documents online and access them from anywhere.
  8. Google Places – Add your business to Google Maps and get a map to place on your website.

Head over to www.google.ie to start getting your account.

Click the Sign In button on the top right of the screen.






Now click Create an account now in the second box on the right.




Fill in all your details here and ensure you use an email address you have access to. Once you are done click the I accept button at the bottom of the page.





Check your email account and there should be a verification email from Google. Just click the link to activate your account. Congratulations you now have your very own Google account. Now no matter where in the world you are you can sign in to your Google account and it will display your own custom Google screen. From here you can add news and other great features to your page. Please note to always remember to log off your account if you are on a public PC.